Let me guess. As you were making your New Year’s resolutions to exercise more, eat healthy, organize your office – or do whatever it is to make you feel like you’re on the path to self-improvement – you also thought about how you were going to manage IT better this year. Oh, those weren’t your resolutions? Your health, office, and IT organization are perfect? Lucky you! We can’t help you with the personal stuff, but it’s worth checking out the principles for IT that are discussed here, which are based on best practices.
These principles can help you to achieve the benefits of Business Service Management (BSM), a comprehensive approach and unified platform for running IT. BSM simplifies, standardizes, and automates IT processes so you can manage business services efficiently across their lifecycles, whether using your own infrastructure or leveraging the cloud.
We call this list the Top Ten BSM Principles. They are not as entertaining as David Letterman’s Top Ten list, but follow them, and you can drive business value in your organization.

  1. Understand what your organization needs from IT
  2. Deploy a platform to manage IT and break down silos
  3. Manage the entire service lifecycle
  4. Build a process-oriented culture
  5. Become a service advisor to the business
  6. Make IT governance an outcome of culture and process
  7. Use automation to improve control, agility, and efficiency of change
  8. Integrate IT information to make data-driven decisions
  9. Be transparent
  10. Be proactive

Posted by Linda Donovan