What is ITIL & ITSM? A Simple Explanation

What is ITIL and ITSMIT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) is a globally recognized set of best-practices and standards for deploying and aligning IT services.

IT Service Management (ITSM) outlines a tactical approach for designing, delivering, managing and improving the way […]

2018-04-06T12:09:54-04:00April 6th, 2018|Blog|

What is Asset Management?

What is Asset Management?

We talk a lot about coordinating the skills and services of IT teams with business needs – anything from overseeing hard skills like programming, developing agile and DevOps cultures, and prioritizing projects based on needs, skill […]

2018-03-23T13:15:22-04:00March 23rd, 2018|Blog|

Top 5 Capabilities of Multi-Cloud Discovery

Top 5 Capabilities of Multi-Cloud DiscoveryUnlike its counterpart in nature, “cloud” in an IT context is no longer a singular noun. There’s a very good chance that your organization uses multiple different clouds, of different types, to meet your business and technical needs.

Whether […]

2018-03-16T10:56:04-04:00March 16th, 2018|Blog|
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