We’re moving to a new office this weekend

Note that starting on Saturday, February 13th until Open of Business on Tuesday*, February 16th, RJR Innovations will be undergoing an office move, and several systems may not be available during this period. As always, our L1 clients can contact our emergency support line if they should encounter any Severity 1 […]

2016-10-13T10:19:03-04:00February 12th, 2016|Blog, RJR News & Events|

RJR is on the move!

MovingRJR is excited to announce that we will be moving within the next month! Our bigger and brighter contemporary office space will allow us to host more in-house functions and events for our Customers and Partner Network.

We are in the midst of […]

2016-10-13T10:19:05-04:00January 14th, 2016|Blog, RJR News & Events|
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