RJR Innovations’ 10th Year Anniversary Celebration!
On Saturday evening, April 18th, 2015, the RJR Innovations’ Team, family members and friends gathered to celebrate RJR’s 10 year milestone anniversary at La Strada restaurant in Ottawa.
It was a fun-filled nostalgic evening as we looked back at RJR’s beginnings, from a living room start-up, to a basement […]
Another successful year for RJR Innovations!
As RJR Innovations enters its 2nd Quarter of FY2015, we are proud to share the news with our valued Partner Community of the great success we had in FY2014!
Looking back, we came out of FY2013 with a 55% decrease in Sales Revenue from the previous FY2012. This decrease provided an opportunity […]
Happy New Year from RJR Innovations
RJR Innovations would like to wish you a wonderful new year filled with abundance, joy, and treasured moments. Happy 2015 from all of us at RJR.