Big Rideau TELUS Watercraft Ride For Dad

RJR Innovations is proud to support this year’s TELUS Watercraft Ride for Dad taking place on July 12, 2014. The mission of the TELUS Ride For Dad is to raise funds to save men’s

lives by supporting prostate cancer research and raising public awareness of the disease.

It will be a fun-filled day […]

2021-09-10T09:43:33-04:00July 11th, 2014|Blog|

Meet Natalie Beauchamp, RJR’s CFO/Operations Manager

Natalie Beauchamp, RJR innovations’ CFO and Operations Manager since 2007, is recognized by customers, vendors and staff as playing an integral part of RJR. She is responsible for overseeing many different departments and instilling processes that help RJR run like a fine oiled machine. Natalie has a “pitch in” attitude […]

2016-10-13T10:19:28-04:00July 8th, 2014|Blog|

Happy Independence Day!

It’s Independence Day for our neighbours to the south and RJR Innovations is wishing all our American friends a very happy July 4th long weekend! We hope y’all have a safe and fun holiday celebrating with friends, family, and loved ones. We’re even feeling the American spirit up here […]

2016-02-22T11:54:10-05:00July 4th, 2014|Blog|

Canada Day 2014!

On July 1st we celebrate Canada’s 147th birthday. There are so many ways to get out there and join in the festivities – parades, concerts, performances, ceremonies, barbeques, parties, and of course, fireworks to end it all off with!

RJR Innovations wishes our fellow Canadians a safe […]

2016-02-22T11:54:11-05:00June 30th, 2014|Blog|

The Premier Gudbranson-Scotiabank Celebrity Classic Charity Golf Tournament

Canadian Blood Services (CBS) held their annual charity golf tournament on Tuesday, June 10, 2014. This was the first year CBS received a large corporate sponsor that took over both the fundraising and organizing of this event. It was a great accomplishment as this has been a goal of […]

2017-04-24T10:35:36-04:00June 19th, 2014|Blog|
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