Happy Administrative Professionals Day 2014!

Administrative ProfessionalsToday we celebrate Administrative Professionals Day in our office and around the world. What would our business life be like without the Admin staff to keep everything in order and running smoothly?! Our brilliant Admin team ensures our business is running […]

2016-10-13T10:19:34-04:00April 23rd, 2014|Blog|

Happy Easter Weekend 2014!

Happy Easter long weekend! We are sending our thoughts and best wishes to our Partners, Clients and Family and everyone else who is celebrating this holiday.

We are finally enjoying some spring weather here in Ottawa Ontario, Canada. Since the beginning of April we’ve had a few days in the high […]

2016-02-22T11:54:14-05:00April 18th, 2014|Blog|

What’s New: BMC Remedyforce Version

In late March, BMC Software released BMC Remedyforce version 20.14.01.
RJR has gone through this new product release and we have dissected what we found to be important in a quick summary:

Custom Incident Console Layouts

BMC has added a new feature allowing administrators to create and define their own custom layouts for […]

2016-02-22T11:54:14-05:00April 8th, 2014|Blog|

Happy St. Patrick’s Day 2014!

St. Patrick’s Day falling on a Monday can only mean one thing – this is quite possibly the best Monday all year! For those of you who dread Mondays, hopefully today you can enjoy it, sporting some green clothes, drinking green beer and eating green treats. If you are looking […]

2016-10-13T10:19:36-04:00March 17th, 2014|Blog|
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