Celebrating 10 Years of Innovation

RJR Innovations was incorporated 10 years ago today on February 6, 2004. Although today marks the exact day of our anniversary, we will be celebrating this 10th year throughout 2014 with a variety of special promotions and events, including a “look inside RJR Innovations” […]

2017-04-24T10:35:34-04:00February 6th, 2014|Blog|

Sens Foundation Soirée raises over $300,000

As part of our community involvement initiatives and our partnership with the Ottawa Senators, it was a great pleasure for our executive staff member, Natalie Beauchamp to join some of her acquaintances at the 2014 Ferguslea Senators Soirée – the premiere funding event of the Ottawa Senators Foundation, this past […]

2019-08-06T14:14:15-04:00January 29th, 2014|Blog|

January 2014 Client Appreciation Night

Each month, RJR Innovations hosts a Client Appreciation Night in our Corporate Suite at the Canadian Tire Centre. The Ottawa Senators took on the Montreal Canadians on Thursday January 16, 2014 and it was a great game to start off our 2014 Client Appreciation Nights. Although the Sens lost […]

2016-10-13T10:19:41-04:00January 24th, 2014|Blog|

ITSM Consultant marks seventh Anniversary with RJR Innovations

Today, January 22, 2014 marks the seven year anniversary with RJR Innovations for André Lalonde, IT Service Management Consultant.

“I have had the pleasure of working with André for the past seven years and he has proven to be intelligent, capable, dedicated and a personable individual who’s presence doesn’t go unnoticed. […]

2016-10-13T10:19:42-04:00January 22nd, 2014|Blog|
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