Managed Services may not be the right choice for every organization. This may sound odd coming from a Managed Services provider, but it does have to be the right fit for both parties. RJR Innovations offers several levels of Managed Services to help you manage various key pain points you might be having today or could possibly be faced with in the future. What may not be right today could be the right fit tomorrow.
Managed Services may be the right solution if:
- you are not getting the full value of your current solution
- your technology is changing, such as a major new application
- a key resource has been lost, sometimes even internally to another department, with no viable backup
- current resources lack the knowledge needed to maintain a complex system
- you are short on resources and current staff are more dedicated to other key systems
- training cycles for a new resource are too long and expensive
- you are using Legacy systems requiring support while in transition to replacement applications
If you find that looking in a mirror reflects one or more of the points mentioned above, RJR Innovations is always available to discuss your IT requirements and to determine if Managed Services is the right fit for your organization.