What people are saying
The FootPrints Advanced Starter Template has enabled Yukon government to provide our 4,000 customers and 120 Footprints agents a set of pre-configured ITSM processes, workflows and templates to be immediately productive. It implements “best” practices out-of-box that should have been significant effort and cost for YG to create.
I wanted to express my gratitude for all of the assistance RJR has provided with configuring our ticketing system, I know we are not your conventional service desk but your team has done an amazing job with helping us setup and customize the product to fit our needs!
While we really don’t use the components of FootPrints Advanced Starter Template all that much since we create our own workspaces, I do find it extremely helpful to use FAST for reference when building the functionality for our workspaces (rules, relationships, workflow processes, workspace items, etc.)
The RJR FootPrints Administrator Companion Tool solution is an extremely useful admin toolkit that made database/application administration of Footprints a much easier task for myself as a Footprints Administrator. Having access to the tool immediately provides salient, real time data that often removes the need to create complex DB queries to acquire information and/or troubleshoot issues. Tasks such as Environment promotion, User Administration (as well as License Management), Database management and general troubleshooting are among some of my favourite features. The GUI is simply laid out and the application itself is easy to utilize (and has a short learning curve) . I used the FACT tool extensively, and in my opinion is a ‘must have’ for any Footprints Admin!