24-Hour Emergency Support

André Lalonde – Support Team Lead

EmergencyWhat’s it like having 24-Hour Emergency Support* from RJR Innovations? Three of our customers have found out in the last month! When your system is down and you call in, within 1 hour, you’ll have access to […]

2018-03-10T08:09:11-05:00August 17th, 2016|Blog|

Another Successful Migration!

Migration from SDE to FootPrints






RJR Innovations’ migration services are focused on mitigating risk and avoiding schedule delays and cost overruns. One of our bigger customers recently completed their 5 month migration from the BMC Service Desk Express (SDE) solution which is End […]

2016-10-13T10:19:01-04:00May 2nd, 2016|Blog, RJR News & Events|
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